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Women's Day Theme Activity of the Company "Spring Blossoms and Warmth"

Editor:浙江嘉华特种尼龙有限公司 │ Release Time:2024-03-08 



In order to celebrate the 114th "38" International Women's Day, to send holiday blessings to the majority of women workers, the company organized a "succulent bonsai DIY" activities, 50 female workers to participate in the activities.

Selection of materials, landscape, stereotypes ...... everyone fiddled with the hand of the bonsai, a moment of effort, a succulent works appeared in front of us.

Inspired by the beauty of nature, through clever conception and careful matching, potted plants not only decorate the beautiful life, cultivate sentiment, but also let us harvest a good mood.

Spring is in full swing, flowers are in full bloom, and women are all like flowers, each with their own style. Women's hands are also like a blooming flower, they use their hands to create a better future, adding a gentle power to the world.

I wish every female compatriot good health, career success and family happiness!